mccracken middle school athletics

var moduleID = $(element).parent().attr("id").replace("module-content-", ""); Oliver McCracken Facebook Page (opens in a new window) (opens in new window) @Skokie735 on Twitter (opens in a new window) (opens in new window) 2023 Skokie School District 73 $.each(socialIcons, function(index, icon) { }, function(){ }, 500); dynStyleSheet.styleSheet.cssText = dynStyles; cycleBack(); if(socialMediaItems != "") { Our address is: J. G. McCracken Middle School 50 Emory Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307 Our phone numbers are: 864-594-4457 Main Office Line 864-596-8418 FAX Line Email Our Principal For Other Questions at: Margaret Peach "allLoaded" : function(){ } } } var mapURL = encodeURIComponent("50 Emory Road Spartanburg SC 29303"); ["Chinese Simplified", "", "zh-CN"], $(".ui-article-thumb .img", this).each(function() { div.homepage-thumb-region { ga('BBTracker.send', 'pageview'); McCracken Middle School Athletics strives to ensure all student-athletes become responsible citizens in all aspects of their lives by demonstrating a spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for coaches, teammates, school community as well as become effective participants in the arena of society.The coaching staff has three primary goals in developing our players: At McCracken, we have knowledgeable and experienced teachers, coaches, and group sponsors in place to make sure that each student learns and enjoys the activity he or she chooses to experience. $("#gb-social-icons").removeAttr("style"); if(template.AllyClick(e)) { e.preventDefault(); var slideMax = ($(this).closest('div[id*="pmi-"]').is(":last-child")) ? "ChannelBar": function() { $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible'] a","tabindex", "0"); ["Chinese Traditional", "", "zh-TW"], }); var _this = this; "AppScroller": function() { this.slideNum = photoGallery.Album.Images.length; var socialIcons = [ } head.insertBefore(dynStyleSheet, head.childNodes[0]); break; $(this).append(''); var showSiteName = false; "class": "twitter", var siteNameBegin = "", siteNameEnd = ""; '

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    mccracken middle school athletics